We are so grateful that you have agreed to help us select the next class of amazing Equal Justice Works Fellows- we couldn’t do it without you!   

An overview of the alumni review process:

  • The application deadline is September 10, 2024. You will be notified once applications are ready for you to review on or around September 17, 2024. The deadline to submit the reviewed applications is October 21, 2024.
  • You will be assigned between three and 10 applications to review per your selection in this registration form.  
  • We've designed the registration form to minimize the chance you're assigned applications that present a conflict of interest for you. If you are assigned any applications that you feel you should not review (e.g., due to a conflict of interest), please recuse yourself soonest by messaging us via Submittable or emailing fellowships@equaljusticeworks.org. 
  • The applications average 9 pages each and each should take about 60 minutes to review.
  • Equal Justice Works will provide a recorded training video on the review process by early September. 
  • We will contact you at the email address you used to create your Submittable account to send reminders and additional information (if needed). Please ensure you use an email address that will be functional from now through December 2024. If needed, update your submitter profile.
  • We're looking into ways to acknowledge and recognize the work you do as an alum reviewer and will email with more information.

Thank you again for lending your time and expertise to help select the Design-Your-Own Fellowship Class of 2025!

Equal Justice Works